Drop-off and Pick-Up Procedures

Gibbon Nation,

We want to thank all of you who follow the designated drop-off and pick-up procedures. Your willingness to follow these procedures increases the level of safety for students, staff, parents and guests who are attempting to enter and/or exit the facility. Your commitment to following these procedures serves to model the importance of following rules and serves as a valuable lesson for everyone ... especially for our students. Your efforts are deeply appreciated!

However, we are noticing an increase in the number of vehicles who fail to follow drop-off and pick-up procedures. As a gentle reminder, all vehicles drop-off and pick-up on the west side of the facility. Then we are asking all vehicles exit to the west and refrain from driving back across the parking areas. As you exit to the west, you are able to access the private drive that where vehicles can turn right and exit the area the north, or you are able to turn left and use the private drive to access Court Street.

It takes all of us, together, to increase the level of safety for everyone who wishes to enter or exit the facility. Please help by following the designated drop-off and pick-up procedures. Thank You

#FAMILY #WeAreGibbon