Gibbon Public Schools will be closed Tuesday, February 16th due to a Wind Chill Warning and extremely cold temperatures. Please watch the website for more information. Stay Home, Stay Warm, Stay Safe. #WeAreGibbon @gpsbuffs
about 4 years ago, Vern Fisher
GBB @ 7pm @ Hastings vs. Minden will be on STRIV.
about 4 years ago, Activities Department
BB Games WEATHER UPDATE - The girls Sub-District tournament tonight @ Hastings SC is still on. The boys JV/VAR game vs. Wood River is cancelled and will not be rescheduled. The boys JH game @ Centura is postponed.
about 4 years ago, Activities Department
Gibbon Wrestling - Congratulations to Jose Escandon & Daniel Yepes for qualifying for the state meet next weekend. Go Buffs!
about 4 years ago, Activities Department
Gibbon Public Schools will be closed tomorrow, Monday, February 15th due to inclement weather. Please monitor our website for updates. Stay Home, Stay Safe. #WeAreGibon
about 4 years ago, Vern Fisher
COVID- 19 update for Thursday, February 11th, 2021. *Parents/community members interested in getting the COVID-19 vaccine, go to our website menu. Under Quick Links, COVID-19, there is a Vaccine Sign Up Survey from TRPHD that will give more information on this process.
about 4 years ago, Nurse Sam
COVID-19 Update 2/11/21
Girls BB vs. Harvard Saturday 2/13/21 --JV 2pm varsity to follow. Attendance allowed up to 50% capacity on first come first serve basis. No ticket needed.
about 4 years ago, Activities Department
Girls BB vs. Minden 7pm Monday 2/15/21 at Hastings St. Cecilia Chapman Gymnasium in the C1-9 sub-district basketball tournament. GO BUFFALOES! No ticket needed.
about 4 years ago, Activities Department
JH BB @ Centura Monday - 4:00pm start time.
about 4 years ago, Activities Department
Shrine Bowl Rosters Revealed - Congratulations to Sean Hampton who will be a member of the South Shrine Bowl Football Team.  Look forward to seeing him team up with and compete against the best players in the state.  Go Buffaloes!
about 4 years ago, Activities Department
Board of Education Meeting Minutes-February 8:
about 4 years ago, Board of Education
District Wrestling Coverage - Saturday 2/13/21 - Coverage starts at 11am - finals approximately 1pm-2pm.
about 4 years ago, Activities Department
COVID- 19 numbers for Wednesday, 2/10/21. *Parents/community members interested in getting the COVID-19 vaccine, go to our website menu. Under Quick Links, COVID-19, there is a Vaccine Sign Up Survey from TRPHD that will give more information on this process.
about 4 years ago, Nurse Sam
COVID-19 Update 2/10/21.
Basketball today - The JV basketball games start at 4pm today - as they appear on the calendar. All games will start a half hour earlier than the usual time.
about 4 years ago, Jeff Montgomery
COVID- 19 Update for Tuesday, February 9th, 2021. *Parents/community members interested in getting the COVID-19 vaccine, go to our website menu. Under Quick Links, COVID-19, there is a Vaccine Sign Up Survey from TRPHD that will give more information on this process.
about 4 years ago, Nurse Sam
COVID-19 Update 2/9/21
Girls & Boys BB - Tue 2/9/21 & Thur 2/11/21 General public please email for tickets. Coach Benge & Coach Jacobitz will get players tickets for their families. STRIV
about 4 years ago, Activities Department
PARENTS NIGHT - BASKETBALL, CHEERLEADERS, SHIMMERS Thursday 2/11/21 at the home games vs. Ravenna. All girls' parents prior to the girls VAR warmups. Boys' parents prior to the boys VAR warmups.
about 4 years ago, Activities Department
BB SCHEDULE UPDATE: Boys LPC @ Central City tonight 6:30. Girls vs. Harvard 2/13 - JV @ 2pm VAR to follow. Boys vs. Wood River 2/15 - JV @ 6pm VAR to follow
about 4 years ago, Activities Department
District Wrestling @ Valentine 2/13/21 - 11am. Congratulations to Ruben, Jose, Jesus, Andres and Daniel. Fans - 4 per active wrestler. Coach Benge will get the names from the wrestlers. General public - Email for availability on STRIV
about 4 years ago, Activities Department
COVID-19 Update for Friday, 2/5/21. Have a great weekend!! *Parents/community members interested in getting the COVID-19 vaccine, go to our website menu. Under Quick Links, COVID-19, there is a Vaccine Sign Up Survey from TRPHD that will give more information on this process.
about 4 years ago, Nurse Sam
COVID-19 Update 2/5/21