Gibbon Public Schools will be closed Tuesday, February 16th due to a Wind Chill Warning and extremely cold temperatures. Please watch the website for more information. Stay Home, Stay Warm, Stay Safe. #WeAreGibbon @gpsbuffs

GBB @ 7pm @ Hastings vs. Minden will be on STRIV.

BB Games WEATHER UPDATE - The girls Sub-District tournament tonight @ Hastings SC is still on. The boys JV/VAR game vs. Wood River is cancelled and will not be rescheduled. The boys JH game @ Centura is postponed.

Gibbon Wrestling - Congratulations to Jose Escandon & Daniel Yepes for qualifying for the state meet next weekend. Go Buffs!

Gibbon Public Schools will be closed tomorrow, Monday, February 15th due to inclement weather. Please monitor our website for updates.
Stay Home, Stay Safe. #WeAreGibon

COVID- 19 update for Thursday, February 11th, 2021. *Parents/community members interested in getting the COVID-19 vaccine, go to our website menu. Under Quick Links, COVID-19, there is a Vaccine Sign Up Survey from TRPHD that will give more information on this process.

Girls BB vs. Harvard Saturday 2/13/21 --JV 2pm varsity to follow. Attendance allowed up to 50% capacity on first come first serve basis. No ticket needed.

Girls BB vs. Minden 7pm Monday 2/15/21 at Hastings St. Cecilia Chapman Gymnasium in the C1-9 sub-district basketball tournament. GO BUFFALOES! No ticket needed.

JH BB @ Centura Monday - 4:00pm start time.

Shrine Bowl Rosters Revealed - Congratulations to Sean Hampton who will be a member of the South Shrine Bowl Football Team. Look forward to seeing him team up with and compete against the best players in the state. Go Buffaloes! https://neshrinebowl.org/

Board of Education Meeting Minutes-February 8: https://5il.co/pisg

District Wrestling Coverage - Saturday 2/13/21 - Platteriverpreps.com. Coverage starts at 11am - finals approximately 1pm-2pm.

COVID- 19 numbers for Wednesday, 2/10/21.
*Parents/community members interested in getting the COVID-19 vaccine, go to our website menu. Under Quick Links, COVID-19, there is a Vaccine Sign Up Survey from TRPHD that will give more information on this process.

Basketball today - The JV basketball games start at 4pm today - as they appear on the calendar. All games will start a half hour earlier than the usual time.

COVID- 19 Update for Tuesday, February 9th, 2021.
*Parents/community members interested in getting the COVID-19 vaccine, go to our website menu. Under Quick Links, COVID-19, there is a Vaccine Sign Up Survey from TRPHD that will give more information on this process.

Girls & Boys BB - Tue 2/9/21 & Thur 2/11/21 General public please email jeff.montgomery@gibbonpublic.org for tickets. Coach Benge & Coach Jacobitz will get players tickets for their families. STRIV

PARENTS NIGHT - BASKETBALL, CHEERLEADERS, SHIMMERS Thursday 2/11/21 at the home games vs. Ravenna. All girls' parents prior to the girls VAR warmups. Boys' parents prior to the boys VAR warmups.

Boys LPC @ Central City tonight 6:30.
Girls vs. Harvard 2/13 - JV @ 2pm VAR to follow.
Boys vs. Wood River 2/15 - JV @ 6pm VAR to follow

District Wrestling @ Valentine 2/13/21 - 11am. Congratulations to Ruben, Jose, Jesus, Andres and Daniel. Fans - 4 per active wrestler. Coach Benge will get the names from the wrestlers. General public - Email jeff.montgomery@gibbonpublic.org for availability

COVID-19 Update for Friday, 2/5/21. Have a great weekend!!
*Parents/community members interested in getting the COVID-19 vaccine, go to our website menu. Under Quick Links, COVID-19, there is a Vaccine Sign Up Survey from TRPHD that will give more information on this process.