Reminder that any student entering the 7th grade needs a physical prior to the first day of school!
Board Agenda 7-12-22
First Day of School is August 15!
All incoming Kindergarten students need to have a physical and immunizations before the first day of school! These records must be on file in the office and with the nurse. Make those appointments TODAY!
There have been a few request to open up the football clothing store again. Here is the link if you are interested. Thanks for your support of our football team.
Steve Yockey
In a few weeks, you will be receiving the Back-to-School mailing. One of the things that will be included is the application for Free and Reduced-price lunches. As we understand it, the USDA will NOT be providing free lunches to students any longer, so all families are encouraged to complete a meal application for the 2022-23 school year. Not only does it help your family budget, but Free and Reduced-price meal eligibility is a major factor in determining school wide funding support from state and other resources. Prices for breakfast and lunches this school year will be as follows:
Breakfast: $1.60
Elementary Lunch: $2.40
MS/HS Lunch: $2.65
Extra Milk: $.35
Notice of Board Meeting 7-12-22
Special Education Consultation Meeting Notice 2022-2023
Junior High Girls…Don’t forget that I’ll be at the school this morning at 10 with volleyballs out! Hope to see you all there!!
Let's fill up all all the yards and homes of Gibbon with our school spirit!
GHS Girls Basketball is selling yard signs and door hangers! Let's show our students what school spirit looks like! Use this form or the QR code to order yours today!
Minutes for 6-14-2022 Board Meeting
Congratulations to these Gibbon Lady All-Stars! Yenita-volleyball all-star game on June 15th; Lindsay, Aleah and Conner-basketball all-star game on June 16th.
Board Meeting Agenda 6-14-22
Notice of Board Meeting 6-14-22
Third and fourth grade girls had their basketball camp this week!
Gibbon Public Library will be at the summer lunches every Wednesday! They will have prizes and fun things to do!
Gibbon Public School will be offering free meals to all children ages 1-18 beginning June 1st -July 29th Monday – Friday from 11:30-12:30. Adult meals will cost $4.50.
Thank you to Mrs. Danielson and Mr. Stall for your 20 years of service to GPS!
Thank you to Mrs. Waddle, Mr. Brown, Mrs. Baxter, Mrs. Brown, Mr. Fehringer, and Dr. Fisher for your 5 years of service to GPS!
Thank you Mrs. Lucas & Mrs. Larson for your 10 years of service to GPS!
Thank you Mrs. Anderson and Mr. Andersen for your 15 years of service to GPS!