Scholastic online book fair begins Friday, September 25th and runs through Thursday, October 8th. #readingisfun #GibbonNation #librarylife

The volleyball triangular scheduled for tomorrow, September 22, with Arcadia-Loup City and Shelton will now be a dual only between Gibbon and Arcadia-Loup City. There will be 9th grade, junior varsity, and varsity games beginning at 5 pm.

Special Board Meeting Minutes - September 17: https://5il.co/l8lj

Parent-Teacher Conferences scheduled for Monday, September 28th and Wednesday, September 30th will be held virtually through Zoom. Please look for more information coming later today. #WeAreGibbon

The Gibbon Girls Golf Team finished up a busy week with two girls earning individual medals at the Minden Invite: Andrea, 14th; and Melany, 15th.

Three earn medals at Loup City Invite this week: Melany, 6th; Daniela, 8th; and Andrea T10th.

The Sept. 19th Gibbon Invite Volleyball games will be livestreamed: http://bit.ly/gibbonbuffslive

Online Scholastic Book Fair coming Friday, September 25th to Thursday, October 8th. Watch for more information coming soon!

The Gibbon vs Bridgeport football game will be livestreamed courtesy of Bridgeport at:. https://striv.tv/channel/bridgeport/

Gibbon Volleyball Invite - Saturday, Sept. 19, 9:00 a.m. Theme - Pajamas

Gibbon vs Bridgeport HOME Football Game - Friday, Sept. 18 - 4:00 pm kickoff; "Black out" Theme

Parents, There will be a FAFSA Parent Presentation via Zoom on Sept. 28th 6PM. More details, including a Zoom link, will be coming at a later time.

Gibbon vs. Bridgeport FB Friday 4pm broadcast on:
newschannelnebraska.com and on 98.7 FM
ESPN 1460 am and online at platteriverpreps.com

The district will continue to function in the YELLOW, Minimal/Moderate, OPERATIONAL ZONE. Please refer to the Return to School Protocols and Hosting Events Protocols found on the district website for more information. Keep our students, staff, and guests safe! #WeAreGibbon

Regular Board Meeting Minutes - September 15: https://5il.co/l3r0

A special meeting of the BOE will be held on 9/17/2020. The special meeting will be in the GHS Distance Learning Classroom beginning at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to finalize and approve the 2020-21 School Budget. You will find the agenda here: https://5il.co/l3b1

Don't forget... School Pictures are Wednesday, September 23rd! Practice your smile today! #ghsbuffs #GibbonNation #smilingismyfavorite

Seeing the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases continue to be on the rise in Buffalo County, the district will continue to deploy current precautionary procedures while school is in session and during extra-curricular activities. Please refer to our website for more information.

There will not be a concession stand at tonight's junior high and junior varsity football games in Loup City.

School Board Meeting 9-14-20 Agenda: https://5il.co/kxtg