Scholastic online book fair begins Friday, September 25th and runs through Thursday, October 8th. #readingisfun #GibbonNation #librarylife
over 4 years ago, Gibbon Public Schools
Scholastic Book Fair
The volleyball triangular scheduled for tomorrow, September 22, with Arcadia-Loup City and Shelton will now be a dual only between Gibbon and Arcadia-Loup City. There will be 9th grade, junior varsity, and varsity games beginning at 5 pm.
over 4 years ago, Gibbon Public Schools
Special Board Meeting Minutes - September 17:
over 4 years ago, Board of Education
Parent-Teacher Conferences scheduled for Monday, September 28th and Wednesday, September 30th will be held virtually through Zoom. Please look for more information coming later today. #WeAreGibbon
over 4 years ago, Vern Fisher
The Gibbon Girls Golf Team finished up a busy week with two girls earning individual medals at the Minden Invite: Andrea, 14th; and Melany, 15th.
over 4 years ago, Gibbon Public Schools
Minden Golf Invitational medals
Three earn medals at Loup City Invite this week: Melany, 6th; Daniela, 8th; and Andrea T10th.
over 4 years ago, Gibbon Public Schools
Gibbon Girls Golf individual medals earned
The Sept. 19th Gibbon Invite Volleyball games will be livestreamed:
over 4 years ago, Gibbon Athletics
Online Scholastic Book Fair coming Friday, September 25th to Thursday, October 8th. Watch for more information coming soon!
over 4 years ago, Gibbon Public Schools
Clifford Save the Date
The Gibbon vs Bridgeport football game will be livestreamed courtesy of Bridgeport at:.
over 4 years ago, Gibbon Athletics
Gibbon Volleyball Invite - Saturday, Sept. 19, 9:00 a.m. Theme - Pajamas
over 4 years ago, Gibbon Public Schools
Gibbon vs Bridgeport HOME Football Game - Friday, Sept. 18 - 4:00 pm kickoff; "Black out" Theme
over 4 years ago, Gibbon Public Schools
Parents, There will be a FAFSA Parent Presentation via Zoom on Sept. 28th 6PM. More details, including a Zoom link, will be coming at a later time.
over 4 years ago, Deanna Stall
Gibbon vs. Bridgeport FB Friday 4pm broadcast on: and on 98.7 FM AND ESPN 1460 am and online at
over 4 years ago, Activities Department
The district will continue to function in the YELLOW, Minimal/Moderate, OPERATIONAL ZONE. Please refer to the Return to School Protocols and Hosting Events Protocols found on the district website for more information. Keep our students, staff, and guests safe! #WeAreGibbon
over 4 years ago, Vern Fisher
Regular Board Meeting Minutes - September 15:
over 4 years ago, Board of Education
A special meeting of the BOE will be held on 9/17/2020. The special meeting will be in the GHS Distance Learning Classroom beginning at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to finalize and approve the 2020-21 School Budget. You will find the agenda here:
over 4 years ago, Gibbon Public Schools
Board of Ed Buffalo
Don't forget... School Pictures are Wednesday, September 23rd! Practice your smile today! #ghsbuffs #GibbonNation #smilingismyfavorite
over 4 years ago, Gibbon Public Schools
school picture day meme
Seeing the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases continue to be on the rise in Buffalo County, the district will continue to deploy current precautionary procedures while school is in session and during extra-curricular activities. Please refer to our website for more information.
over 4 years ago, Vern Fisher
There will not be a concession stand at tonight's junior high and junior varsity football games in Loup City.
over 4 years ago, Gibbon Public Schools
School Board Meeting 9-14-20 Agenda:
over 4 years ago, Board of Education