The Sept. 10th Volleyball game with Hastings St. Cecilia will be livestreamed: http://bit.ly/gibbonbuffslive

Hershey Public Schools has issued their COVID protocols for activities. Please read before heading off to the football game! http://bit.ly/HPSProtocols

Gibbon Public Schools continues to function in the YELLOW, Minimal/Moderate, OPERATIONAL ZONE. Please refer to the Return to School Protocols and Hosting Events Protocols found on the district website for more information. Keep our students, staff, and guests safe! #WeAreGibbon

ACTIVITY BUTTONS FOR SALE! Click this link to place your order: https://bit.ly/3jW5IjM. Athlete and cheerleader buttons are available for $5 each; additional buttons are $4 each. An email will be sent when your order is ready for payment and pickup in the high school office. Thank you for supporting Gibbon FBLA!

Students who attend the home Football game will not be allowed to play in the area west of the bleachers during the game. Please sit with your parents in the bleachers.

Gibbon fans attending this Thursday's volleyball triangular at Adams Central, please be aware that face coverings are required at all times at indoor activities.

Gibbon FBLA will have QR code and hard copy (outside Room 166 computer lab) sign up sheets for the Varsity Football Concessions ( September 4) and Adopt A Highway (September 9).

Great turnout at our August FBLA Chapter Meeting and learning about our FBLA Emblem Ceremony!

Good start to the season for the girls golf team at the Kearney Catholic Invitational yesterday. Congratulations to Melany Vasquez on placing in a tie for 10th and earning a medal.

Gibbon Public Schools remains in the Operation Zone of Yellow and will continue to conduct temperature checks and require face masks. Keep up the GREAT WORK Gibbon Nation. #TogetherWeGotThis #WeAreGibbon

The JH and HS drum line performed for the 5th graders! It was fun! #GibbonNation #WeAreGibbon #BuffaloBand

Great Response Gibbon Nation. Students came prepared and accepted the challenge of increased expectations for wearing masks to having their temperatures checked before entering the building. I am so proud of students, parents, and staff. #WeAreGibbon #WeWantToStayInSchool

August 10, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes: https://5il.co/k6nc

The school district remains in the Operation Zone of Yellow but will begin to exercise additional precautionary measures Wednesday, August 26th. Please go to the website for additional information about the district's response to COVID-19.

The volleyball triangular scheduled for Tuesday, September 29, will be played at Kenesaw. This is a change to the calendar.

Our educators are ROCK STARS! Despite the challenges associated with COVID-19, they have been focused on establishing relationships, administering pre-assessments, and helping students cope with the uncertainty of a global pandemic. We have had a FANTASTIC START!! #GPSBUFFS

If anyone is interested in helping out with home events, volleyball and football, please contact Jeff Montgomery at 308.468.5721 or email: jeff.montomery@gibbonpublic.org. Book keepers, line judges, scoreboard operators, and chain gang help are needed. These are paid positions.

Our students are awesome! We began the school year requiring masks when 6' distances can't be maintained and they have responded admirably. They have been focused, they are having fun, and they are responsible. I am really, really proud of our students. #cantuseetheirsmiles

There is no volleyball scrimmage tonight.